Wednesday, 09 May 2012 17:48

Aviano Air Base Flightline Videos

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Aviano AB, Italy
23 March 1999
31st Fighter Wing and Combat Camera came up with a few flightline movies to record normal activities on the Aviano Flightline during the Bosnian Conflict.

Download:  510FS Bosnia Preflight.mpeg
Description:  510 Pilots preps for takeoff
Size:  6 Megabytes
Runtime:  35Sec

Download:  555FS Bosnia Preflight.mpeg
Description:  Maintenance Crews work "Typically Broken" 555 Jets
Size:  7 Megabytes
Runtime:  32Sec

Download:  409FS Bosnia Preflight.mpeg
Description:  A-10 comes back from Mission
Size:  5.5 Megabytes
Runtime:  30Sec

Download:  23FS Bosnia Preflight.mpeg
Description:  F-16 taxis to EOR and takes off into the night
Size:  6 Megabytes
Runtime:  34Sec

Download:  494FS Bosnia Preflight.mpeg
Description:  F15 FOD Walk, Preflight, EOR and takeoff
Size:  8 Megabytes
Runtime:  46Sec

Audio/Video Disclaimer:
Videos assembled for the website are not intended for commercial use or resale, nor is profit generated by their use.  Videos, available for general public downloading and viewing, are intended to honor the memory and extreme sacrifices the men and women of the 510th and associated organizations have made to preserve the freedoms Americans and allied foreign countries enjoy.

Note about Downloading:
The Files are currently hosted on on a residential broadband connection, so please distribute the files to your friends by burning them a CD, versus sending them to the website to download the files.  We hope to resolve this issue by finding/buying online storage for our videos.  If you have a faster connection to the Internet, and would like to donate some space, please contact us!

Read 52880 times Last modified on Sunday, 03 June 2012 11:24
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